Archive for the ‘Health & Beauty’ Category

Feeling Blue?

By Editor - March 10th, 2011

Feeling Blue?

With frequently changing weather and stress of upcoming exams, it is no surprise that many of us may be feeling sick. Here are some remedies to stop sickness in its tracks.

Nature’s Finest

By Editor - March 5th, 2011

Nature’s Finest

Nature offers us some the most cost-effective, natural and powerful beauty products in existence. Here are some of those herbs/foods which may be lying around in your own kitchen. If you have any pre existing health conditions, you should consult a doctor before using these home suggestions. Feel free to suggest your own!

Force Feeding of Young Women in rural Mauritania

By Editor - February 27th, 2011

Force Feeding of Young Women in rural Mauritania

By: Gayathri (York University)

While living in a society that glorifies the Barbie-doll figure, it becomes hard to understand a society many miles away that glorifies a full figure.

Anger Management Techniques

By Editor - February 6th, 2011

Anger Management Techniques

Anger, resentment and grudges are very unhealthy to your personal health and friendships. Often times when we are upset and do not deal with it properly, we end up hurting ourselves and those around us. Controlling anger, and turning your emotions into something positive takes a lot of hard work and commitment into doing so, but being able to control your anger will result in a happier and healthier you. Here are some tips and things to think about to help control your anger:

Ten Tips for Improving Posture and Ergonomics

By Editor - October 20th, 2010

Ten Tips for Improving Posture and Ergonomics

The following guidelines suggest several ways to improve posture and ergonomics, especially for people who work sitting in an office chair for most of the day.

Just laugh.

By Editor - September 12th, 2010

Just laugh.

A typical young child laughs more than 400 times a day, a typical adult—fifteen times. Yet have you noticed that when a child does laugh, you feel the temptation to join in the fun? That’s because laughing is infectious, people have prescribed sad people to “wear” a smile and that eventually they will “grow” into it for this exact reason. Laughter is beneficial to the mind, body and soul.

Shampoo and Conditioner 101.

By Editor - July 4th, 2010

Shampoo and Conditioner 101.

I went to the salon the other day, and so many years after using shampoo and conditioner all over my hair, a hair stylist decided to give me some advice

Fish Pedicures?

By Editor - June 30th, 2010

Fish Pedicures?

I heard about this new service is being offered in spas around the world, it’s a fish pedicure. Yes, you read it right, a FISH pedicure. Basically, this involves people willingly soaking their feet in a tank full of tiny Garra fish (also known as Doctor Fish) with the idea that these fish eat dead skin off one’s feet, and leave the healthy skin untouched, the end result, extremely soft feet.

What’s your sleep position got to say about you?

By Editor - June 10th, 2010

What's your sleep position got to say about you?

Do you sleep on your back, your stomach, or your side? A recent study by sleep expert Chris Idzikowski, director of the Sleep Assessment and Advisory Service, suggested a correlation between six common sleeping positions and the personality traits of the sleepers themselves. Preferred sleeping positions are seen as a sort of subconscious body language that reflects our inner traits. The study was commissioned by a large hotel group.

Sunscreen Cheat Sheet

By Editor - June 2nd, 2010

Sunscreen Cheat Sheet

Here’s everything you need to know about sunscreen this summer! Have any other suggestions? Let us know!
1) The sun’s intensity is the strongest, when your shadow is the shortest. So, apply more sunscreen when you notice your shadow plays hide and seek.