Archive for the ‘Health & Beauty’ Category

Blemishes Banished!

By Admin - July 17th, 2013

Blemishes Banished!

Written by: Gayathiri Sivakumar
“Neem offers many benefits and is an effective anti-bacterial cleanser. This face mask is perfect for those with blemishes, acne, or oily skin. Neem has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for many years. Turmeric is an excellent exfoliant and adds a glow to dull skin. Together, these two help clear blemishes from your skin to reveal a clearer complexion.


2 tablespoons – Vepampoo Illai (Neem) You can use neem leaves (ground) or neem leaves powder. (If you are using neem leaves, boil the neem leaves then grind them using a mortar and pestle)

1 tablespoon – Manjal (Tumeric)

1 table spoon – Lemon juice


Mix ingredients throughly in a small bowl to form a paste, you can add more powder until you achieve a paste form. Apply mixture over your face for half and hour, then rinse with tepid water. Splash cold water on your face and moisturize.

Suit Yourself!

By Editor - December 11th, 2012

Suit Yourself!

With Top Talents and UTSC and UTSG TSA formals on its way, here are some tips for men from Harry Rosen!

Man’s ingenious mind has come up with innumerable ways of folding the pocket square, from the most pristine horizontal to the seemingly artless and bunched-up “cloud.” Here are just three. Check out to read the full story!

Modern Women, Ancient Healing

By Editor - October 13th, 2012

Modern Women, Ancient Healing

Written by: Gayathiri Sivakumar

A lot of the things our ancestors do, are really beneficial to us. If we want to keep our culture and traditions alive, it is up to us to learn about different aspects of our culture. This time, I wanted to learn more about home remedies used by Tamils and went on another quest.

Energy Boosting Snacks

By Editor - April 13th, 2012

Energy Boosting Snacks

In a studying slump? Need an energy booster to help get through studying? Ditch the coffee, and pick these up! Any other good snack suggestions of your own? Let us know!

Love Life. Be Happy.

By Editor - February 12th, 2012

Love Life. Be Happy.

Written by: Sahana K.

Happiness depends on ourselves, we owe it to ourselves to make ourselves happy because we all deserve happiness. I hope these tips will help you be happier all around. 🙂

The Danger of Stress

By Editor - October 12th, 2011

The Danger of Stress

Stress is damaging to health, there is no question about that. But, stress as we know it today it dangerous to our bodies. Professor Robert Sapolsk, of Stanford University conducted a study on baboon troops on the plains of Africa to understand how deadly stress can be in the animal world. He found that stress is not only a state of mind; it’s quantifiable, and measurable.

First Formal? Do’s and Don’ts some young women use in preparing for a formal!

By Editor - October 6th, 2011

First Formal? Do's and Don'ts some young women use in preparing for a formal!

Written by: Jess E.

So, it’s your first formal? Here are some do’s and don’ts by that some young women use in preparing for a formal. Have some ideas of your own? Leave behind your tips.

Life Lessons: Lessons to your younger self

By Editor - October 5th, 2011

Life Lessons: Lessons to your younger self

Over the last few days, we collected “life lessons” you wish you knew when you were younger from our friends, and peers. These lessons have been valuable to many of these youth, and we hope they inspire you, and are valuable to your lives aswell! Sometimes, the best lessons we learn, are from another’s experience. Enjoy! Feel free to leave your own advice below.

ZZZzzzzzz……..Getting a goodnight sleep before school

By Editor - September 5th, 2011

ZZZzzzzzz........Getting a goodnight sleep before school

We all have had those sleepless nights, where we are just unable to fall asleep. With school starting, it’s important to be well rested and energized. Sleep helps our body restore itself, following are some tips to help you get a good night’s rest. Here are some tips to help you get a goodnight’s rest!

Life Skills Coaching: Pursuit of Happiness

By Editor - August 23rd, 2011

Life Skills Coaching: Pursuit of Happiness

Some great tips and advice by: Anitta for when your feeling overwhelmed and when you think everything is going all wrong in life…