Life Skills Coaching: Pursuit of Happiness

Written by: Anitta

When your feeling overwhelmed and when you think everything is going all wrong in life…

1. Reflect on the positive aspects of your life [unconditional love, career, education, family and friends, personal achievements etc.]

2. Understand what barriers/obstacles you are presented with at the present moment

3. Think about practical things that can be done to overcome the barriers/obstacles

4. Assess the situation and determine how much time you would need to eliminate the barriers/obstacles [tackle the issues individually and set goals]

5. Create a support network for yourself with individuals who you can confide in and trust

Reducing stress and leading a happy life…

– Spend time doing the things you absolutely love to do [reading, writing, dancing, drawing, painting, playing sports, volunteering, traveling, yoga, meditation etc.]

– Have a cup of herbal tea to calm nerves [eliminate caffeinated and toxic beverages]

– Take a soothing bath with Epsom salts to relax

– Light some scented candles to create a warm ambiance

– Listen to relaxation music

– Attend a yoga class to release tension in your body

– Meditate to clear your mind

– Go for a walk/jog/run

– Exercise regularly – running on a treadmill, aquafit class, spinning class

– Go for a massage with a registered massage therapist

– Try alternative medicine: Acupuncture

– Surround yourself with people you love to be around

– Travel to places you’ve always wanted to visit

– Indulge in food, eat well and try different cuisines

– Create a bucket list [swimming with dolphins, skydiving, bungee jumping, run a marathon etc.]

– Read inspiring reading material

– Let go of anything negative in your life

– Leave past hurts in the past so you can open your heart to the present and future

– Connect with your personal support network regularly

– Speak to a counsellor, life coach, psychologist etc.


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