Anger Management Techniques

Anger, resentment and grudges are very unhealthy to your personal health and friendships. Often times when we are upset and do not deal with it properly, we end up hurting ourselves and those around us. Controlling anger, and turning your emotions into something positive takes a lot of hard work and commitment into doing so, but being able to control your anger will result in a happier and healthier you. Here are some tips and things to think about to help control your anger:

1)      THINK: WHAT THIS ANGER ACCOMPLISHES?  What will I achieve by being angry, man or holding onto this resentment? Often times, being anger does not accomplish anything, and just works against you in situations.

2)      IS IT WORTH IT? Think about the reason you are upset, and then think to yourself, what is the worst consequence of what just happened to me? For example, someone may have cut you in line while getting on the bus, but what is the worst that has happened to you because they cut ahead of you in line? Did you still get on the bus, wee you still on time for school/work? How does this affect you today? In 10 years? You can choose to just let it go, or you can choose to let it impact your mood and possibly change the outcome of the rest of your day.

3)      CALM DOWN. Just calm down, and take some time to think and reflect. Sometimes in the heat of anger, you may say things you don’t mean, if you think about things and give yourself some time to think and cool off, you may realize that it just isn’t worth it to get mad. If you are angry with a friend or family member, it is important to let them know how you feel, however, doing so when you are calmer and collected will help the other person understand what you are saying and feeling more than if you were saying it with anger.

4)      EMPATHIZE. Think about how you would have wanted someone to react to you, and try to empathize with the person. It’s not about whose wrong and right, but it’s just about being able to see the other person’s situation and being able to empathize and sympathize with it. Remember, we are all human, and we all make mistakes and exercise poor judgment.

5)      CHANNEL YOUR FEELINGS IN ANOTHER WAY. Draw, write, read, yoga do whatever calms you and helps you channel your feelings in a positive way.  


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