For Tomorrow

Written By: sV.

We embark on a journey,
for verity-for promise.
And as we travel; mind, body and soul-
we become the passage through which the promise of time shall pass.
The promise that is change,
the promise for a better tomorrow.

A tomorrow that wipes the tears of our elders,
and fills the air with the laughter of our children.

And as we embark on this journey-
of spreading the dream from one shore to another.
We remember those who shared this dream with us;
and made us believe,
Upheld our hope,
and instilled our faith.
So we could spread this hope and faith into the lives we touch-

So the winds may carry the whispers of the willing,
onto the ears of yearning souls.
To dream of a day when red skies turn blue,
And our eyes no longer conceive tears pregnant with sorrow.
And as we embark on this journey,
we understand that tomorrow is coming.

The pain of yesterday has seasoned our will,
the tribulations of today will bow to our valour,
and tomorrow will bloom to the brave.

So we clench this dream and raise our fists for tomorrow.
And swear upon the altar of the noble, brave and righteous.
To safeguard this flame of liberation,
To make way for its passage.
Because Tomorrow.

Justice will be delivered on the swift wings of truth- and shall bring with it the time for the light to meet our land as our lips sing the nation’s song.

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