Top 3

What’ the number one tip to a beautiful face? DRINK WATER. Water flushes out the toxins in your body, and hydrates your skin. So better start drinking water if you already don’t. (And, if you don’t drink water but use all the other potions and lotions on the market, you’re just wasting your hard earned money)

So what’s the second? SUNSCREEN. You don’t only need sunscreen on the days when the sun is blazing, but you should get into the habit of using it everyday. (Just buy a facecream that has sunscreen in it, and you won’t have to think about it) WHY? Because  ultraviolet rays can seriously damage skin, and make your age faster, as you age, you’ll thank yourself if you used sunscreen. Plus, who wants to increase the chances of developing skin cancer?

Same with smoking, THROW AWAY THE SMOKES, smopking makes you age faster. Because nicotine consists of small blood vessels and decreases the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the skin, you age faster. And it’s first target, the lips, so do yourself a favour and give it up.



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