Tarnished Memories

Written By: Jonathan Uthayakumar

How many men and women does it take to keep a Nation standing?
How many people can rise to the occasion?
Would you give up all you have? You would?
It’s a lot easier said than done.

You see, she could’ve been a physician
She didn’t have to pick up a gun.
He could’ve been a teacher
He didn’t have to go to war.

But what could they do?

Awakening to the beautiful sights our homeland was blessed with,
Listening to the call of a rooster, and watching the Sun rise
You look at yourself, healthy and athletic
Prosperous, and ambitious

And feel it around your neck,
The cyanide capsule that wasn’t used yesterday.
Suddenly you find yourself in a dark abyss,
Where the only light will come from fight.

Why this scenario? Is it a test from God?
Or is it karma to repay
It doesn’t matter, because at the end of the day,
They put it on themselves to bring Thamil Eelam to us.

Living every day expecting to die,
They did what they could to defend their people. To defend us.
And now, all of these years passed,
Memories have become tarnished. Views have changed, and there are many people out there that make it their duty to tarnish images.

I can understand about our freedom fighters, but I’ll never know.
I will never know what it’s like to pick up a gun and fight against the world.
I will never know the emotions of having nothing to lose.
And you will not either.

Remember, with the help of our forces, a minority group rose.
A minority group flourished, regardless of strikes the other side posed.
So today, we stand strong through our struggles
And we know how to fight back.

We must take ourselves to the highest point possible,
Because success is the best revenge.


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