If I could turn back time, I would …

Yes, it’s true. School is about a month away! For those of you who are just starting post-secondary education, this could mean a whole new beginning. It gives you the chance to open doors and add onto your list of experiences.

The following is a collection of a few statements by University students.


… Go back to first year of University and join some clubs on campus. Joining clubs allows students, especially commuting students, to meet new people and enjoy campus life!

… Have socialized more in University.

… Have been born in another lifetime where I, nor the generations to follow, would have to witness a world where issues such as homophobia, gun violence, racism, and animal cruelty (to name a few) are tolerated.

… Have been less fearful and taken more risks.

…Have chosen a different major/career path, something more practical and a lot less theoretical.

… Have invested more time in self-growth, whether it is through joining different clubs or even just pushing myself to perform my best.

… Have chosen to work in a different province before going to school after high school.

… Not have stopped being a vegetarian after doing it for 2 years.

… Truly cherish every special moment and I would worry less during the hard times because ‘This too shall pass.’

… Make time to do my readings before class so that I could have developed a better learning habit.

… Be a stronger person with a killer confidence to bury all challenges ahead of me.

Clearly, there are many different experiences that we come across. Family, friends, learning lessons, personal goals, and more are just a few of life’s skills that make us grow.  We all have our individual lifestyles, goals, values, and views. Take this year, and fulfill your aspirations one step at a time.

And remember, though we may feel as though there were certain aspects that we could have changed or fixed, everything still builds you as a person.

As one of our University students said:


… Not change anything. Yes I have made mistakes and yes I have made bad choices, but those obstacles have paved the path to become a better person. I wouldn’t turn back time to try and fix my faults because as I look at the present, I see some of the greatest people around me, and I would never change that.


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