Bullying hurts. Don’t be a part of it.

Written By: Senthamil Stefi

Within the past few days, there has been a story circulating internationally that has come to the forefront of social media. Amanda Todd’s story. She was a teen who committed suicide at the young age of 15 as a result of endless bullying.

This is only one story amongst numerous stories of teen suicides that has occurred all over the world as a result of bullying. Believe it or not as society is evolving, bullying is evolving to adapt to it. This is a significant issue in our society that has to be taken very seriously. But first and foremost what exactly is considered bullying?

Bullying can be defined as unwanted, aggressive behavior towards an individual that generally involves an imbalance in power. According to BullyingCanada.ca there are four types of bullying:

1) Verbal Bullying – name calling, teasing, threatening
2) Social Bullying – actions taken to taint a person’s reputation and/or relations
3) Physical Bullying – inflicting harm to an individual’s body and/or possessions
4) Cyber Bullying – saying negative things to an individual through texts/social media

According to a 2011 survey, bullying begins in children as early as the age of 7. However majority of bullying takes place between the ages of 11 and 18 and of these numbers 1 in 5 Canadian teens experience cyber bullying.

This is a serious problem in which serious action must be taken. There are three approaches that we can take. The first approach involves the bully. We need to educate children that bullying is not okay and make them aware of the implications it can have upon people. The second approach involves the victim. Even though there is an abundant amount of resources for them, they are most likely to speak to someone who is like a big brother or big sister to them so we need to make people like that accessible to them. We need to make self defense courses appear more available. This allows the victim to be able to defend themselves if ever they come across physical bullying. Furthermore this elevates one’s self confidence. This elevation of confidence will be portrayed in front of a bully and more than likely will cause them to back off. The third approach involves the bystander. We need to educate people to not just watch bullying happen but do something about it whether it be by standing up for the victim or by telling an adult. Bystanders simply just watching it happen will only increase the power that the bully feels they have.

Bullying hurts. Don’t be a part of it.

For people who are in a situation where they are being bullied I want to tell you that each and everyone of us has actually experienced bullying at one time or another. Honestly these situations that we come across are sooooo insignificant relative to the big picture of our lives as a whole. It may seem like a big deal now but it truly isn’t in the large span of things. These bullies don’t define who you are, so don’t let them define you.

I want to end this off by telling you the motto which I live by and that I encourage others to follow as well:

“In life there are a lot of things that may come in our path. Things that may hurt us. Things that may anger us. But at the end of the day we have to stay true to ourselves and do what we feel is right and stand by that. Besides its not the petty little problems and things that define us. It’s not our education. It’s not our hobbies and our relations. It’s our heart. It’s the REAL difference we make in the world. Its the legacy we create for ourselves and leave behind that truly defines us. #SenthamilThings”

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