Are you doing your part?

Written By: Mathusan Mahalingam

As many of you are aware, the students in Tamil Nadu have been striking and protesting advocating for justice for our brothers and sisters in Tamileelam. This has created a renewed call to justice by Tamil youth all over the world, and a realization that the current responses by the international community are failing to address the problems of Tamils.

The Tamil Youth Community is a community that continues to fight back. So many Tamil youth have dedicated so much of their time and energy is hopes of securing a legitimate solution for our fellow kin in Tamileelam. But, it is very easy for everyone to be looped together as an actively involved group. We need to look inside, personally, within ourselves, and ask, are we doing enough alone? We need to think individually, what are other ways that we can utilize our skills for the betterment of our people?

As Tamil youth in Canada, we have access to education and knowledge that was previously unavailable to our parents. Our parents, migrated to Canada for refuge, and took menial jobs to make ends meet for us. How many of us have heard stories from our parents about being well settled in their respective villages and towns back home, only to come here and find themselves working in cleaning jobs, restaurants and factories so we could enjoy safety and access to education? We have access to education now, should we not make it useful?

We now have a responsibility to use our skills, our knowledge in more effective ways and secure a future for our brothers and sisters, and for ourselves in Tamileelam. We use our skills to better the businesses of strangers, why not use it for our own people? For us really. How many unique skills do we have in our communities that are not serviced for our community needs, but are skills our community needs? How many of us advocate for our people on a daily basis?

The reality is, if we do not work hard to secure a solution right now, our children will inherit the same struggle we find ourselves in. Our brothers and sisters back home will continue to be abused and negated until we bring a solution. In many countries, it is a duty for youth to serve in the military for a certain period of time, while we are not conscripted to serve anywhere, safeguarding our motherland is a duty we must accept and fulfill.

This is my challenge to you. Do what you can do, with everything you’ve and make a difference. We all have skills, whether it is writing, speaking, drawing, designing, creating or mobilizing, we need to use our specific knowledge and talents to really make a difference.  Are you doing your part?

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