Posts Tagged ‘tamil nadu’

‘Veera Mangai’ Velu Nachiyar – The Joan of Arc of India

By Editor - February 26th, 2015

'Veera Mangai' Velu Nachiyar - The Joan of Arc of India

Rani Velu Nachiyar was the first ever female warrior to challenge the British Empire in the Indian War of Independence. As such, she redefined the role of women within the Indian freedom fighting revolution. With the majority of men at the time behind bars, she mobilized a women’s artillery. This army was named Udayaal in honour of the Rani’s adopted daughter, who died after detonating a British arsenal. Veluni Nachiyar is also credited to have created the first human suicide attack: Kuyili, a female soldier, doused herself in oil, entered a British-owned ammunitions storage, and destroyed the facility by self-immolation.