Posts Tagged ‘Tamil History/Culture’

Youth Forum on Tamil Genocide

By Admin - July 24th, 2013

Youth Forum on Tamil Genocide

On July 28, 2013, the Tamil Genocide Memorial Museum (TGMM) will be hosting an educational workshop about the Tamil Genocide. Participants will also learn about the history of the Tamil people in Sri Lanka and the history of the struggle for self-determination. In addition to the educational workshop, the Thazhumbakam exhibit will also be on display at the event.

Blemishes Banished!

By Admin - July 17th, 2013

Blemishes Banished!

Written by: Gayathiri Sivakumar
“Neem offers many benefits and is an effective anti-bacterial cleanser. This face mask is perfect for those with blemishes, acne, or oily skin. Neem has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for many years. Turmeric is an excellent exfoliant and adds a glow to dull skin. Together, these two help clear blemishes from your skin to reveal a clearer complexion.


2 tablespoons – Vepampoo Illai (Neem) You can use neem leaves (ground) or neem leaves powder. (If you are using neem leaves, boil the neem leaves then grind them using a mortar and pestle)

1 tablespoon – Manjal (Tumeric)

1 table spoon – Lemon juice


Mix ingredients throughly in a small bowl to form a paste, you can add more powder until you achieve a paste form. Apply mixture over your face for half and hour, then rinse with tepid water. Splash cold water on your face and moisturize.

Macabre of the Silenced

By Admin - July 10th, 2013

Macabre of the Silenced

What is Black July and what is the significance for Tamil people and the Tamil Diaspora?

During the riots of July 24th to 29th 1983, hundreds of Tamil people lost their homes, their possessions, and their lives. The Tamil people in many areas within Sri Lanka were systematically targeted, tortured and murdered for merely for being of Tamil identity. It was blatantly clear of polarization that exists between the Sinhalese majority and Tamil minority. These attacks carried out against the Tamil population were witnessed by the Sri Lankan government who continued disregarded the evident polarization.

The racial tension between the Sinhalese and Tamils started at the time of independence in 1948. One of the most significant moments whereby a clear distinction between the two groups of people was established was in the passing of the Sinhala Only Act in 1956. This made Sinhala the sole official language of Sri Lanka and consequently, it resulted in many Tamils protests against the legislation. With this act, the Sri Lankan government failed to recognize the language of the Tamil population. Through such government actions, the language, culture, and education, and overall identity of the Tamil population were in jeopardy and even peaceful Tamil protests were met with malevolence and rigidity from the Sri Lankan government. Another significant example of the attempt to rid Tamil cultural symbols includes the burning of the Jaffna library in 1981. During this incident, the government officials took part in the ethnic book burning of priceless manuscripts and documents that were central to Tamil culture and preservation of it.

After the killing of 13 Sinhala soldiers, many angry Sinhalese mobs attacked Tamil populations all across the country, and even Tamil prisioners were murdered with iron rods and clubs. Curfews were set and raging Sinhalese mobs wandered the streets searching for Tamil people to humiliate, torture and murder. In fact, these mobs had voter registration lists which made helped to identify Tamil homes. Tamil people were slaughtered with axes, raped, and burned alive. In many instances, Sinhalese families hid Tamils in their homes to save their lives. This anti-Tamil pogam of 83 led to many to flee their homeland and take refuge in Western countries.

The Black July atrocities fueled the fire for a bloody genocide that ended in 2009, and Tamils in Tamileelam are still denied basic human rights and left to pick up the pieces of their shattered homeland, family and culture. The hundreds of innocent lives massacred in these riots should never be in vain. We must keep the memories alive and preserve them like burning candles to remind of where we come from. We can never forget those who were forced to give up their lives nor will we forget how the future remains grim for those living in Tamileelam. These are the silenced voices, and we must bring light to the unbearable hardship and persecution they face everyday.

As we are well aware, throughout the month of July, there are many events to be held in order for us to come together to reminisce . The Black July Poetry Night is one of those events presented by the Education and Career Development Council of CTYA. At this event, we kindly ask everyone to share your stories of struggle to break the silence. Raising your voices with poetry at the Macabre of the Silenced poetry night where artists and audience members unite to create the voices for those who have been silenced for over five decades will be a great way for us to reconnect and remember the horrific riots of Black July 1983.

The New Frontier: The Fight for a Thamil Homeland on an International Scale

By Editor - June 24th, 2013

The New Frontier: The Fight for a Thamil Homeland on an International Scale

The New Frontier: The Fight for a Thamil Homeland on an International Scale Written By: Athithan Kurukulasi​ngam A sense of urgency has transcended the minds and souls of Tamil youths across an international scale. Urgency in this form represents the need to broadcast to the world the atrocities that have and more shockingly are still…

Eelam Pavilion July 12,13 & 14, 2013!

By Editor - June 24th, 2013

Eelam Pavilion July 12,13 & 14, 2013!

Brampton Tamil Association is proud to announce that Eelam is joining Carabram for the first time to celebrate our cultures, traditions and our strong heritage with other great nations. BTA has organized several shows that includes but not limited to fashions shows, kids shows , senior shows and more.

Speak Tamileelam

By Editor - June 23rd, 2013

Speak Tamileelam

Come on Friday, June 28th (6:00pm) to the York University Sandra Faire & Ivan Fecan Theatre for an inspiring evening; as Tamil youth community leaders showcase their talents, ideas, experiences and personal stories they have contributed to Tamileelam.

Peaceful Tamil Protestors Attacked by Sri Lankan Fans

By Editor - June 18th, 2013

Peaceful Tamil Protestors Attacked by Sri Lankan Fans

Written By: The Human Rights Advocacy Council On Monday June 17th, 2013, Tamil protestors were campaigning for a boycott of Sri Lankan cricket outside the Oval cricket stadium in London. Near the end of the game, Sri Lankan cricket fans had recklessly assaulted the Tamil demonstrators both verbally and physically. A significant portion of the…

Historic “Vanni Street” Sign Unveiled in Markham!

By Editor - May 11th, 2013

Historic "Vanni Street" Sign Unveiled in Markham!

Today morning, Councillor Logan Kanapathi and Mayor Frank Scarpitti unveiled the sign for “Vanni Street” in the City of Markham. Vanni Street will be located at the site located on 14th Ave, between Middlefield Rd and Markham Rd. In the coming years, a community center will also be built in the nearby vicinity, making Vanni Street being placed in an important location.

Unveiling of Vanni Street in the City of Markham!

By Editor - May 9th, 2013

Unveiling of Vanni Street in the City of Markham!

Dear Members of CTYA:

On behalf of the Mayor and the members of Council, it is my pleasure to invite you to the official unveiling of the Sign for historic Vanni Street in the City of Markham on Saturday, May 11, 2013 10:00 AM at the site located on 14th Ave, between Middlefield Rd and Markham Rd.

Remembering May 2009

By Editor - May 6th, 2013

Remembering May 2009

May 2013 will mark the fourth year remembrance of the Tamil genocide. May marks a month that we as a community take the time to remember the victims massacred and heal together as a community. By continuing to voice our stories, opinions, and facts, we are moving on a path that will enable us to get justice for the lost lives.