Posts Tagged ‘stories’

Shattered – Part 3

By Admin - March 24th, 2010

Shattered - Part 3

“SASHA! Oh dear Lord!” Nana’s voice hurried behind her. The car came to a forced stop, as the horn rang in their ears so loudly piecing through the light brutal winter wind. “Sasha! I’ve always told you not to wonder in front of me!” Nana didn’t sound too pleased, as she tugged her by the arm bringing her pulse less bundled body closer beside hers.


By Admin - March 11th, 2010


“Sashaaaaa!” the loud roar of some familiarity, awoke her. A frightened reaction had her clutching on to her mantle. She had been in the middle of a bad dream, and all that she remembered was the sight of a young girl, about her age, crying in a corner, all alone. The expression on the girls face seemed as if it was plastered on hers as she got herself out of bed.