Posts Tagged ‘Pongal’

பொங்கல் மற்றும் புதுவருட நல்வாழ்த்துக்கள்! Happy Tamil New Year!

By Editor - January 14th, 2012

பொங்கல் மற்றும் புதுவருட நல்வாழ்த்துக்கள்! Happy Tamil New Year!

The etymology of Thai Pongal can be traced to the meaning of its root words “pong” and “thai,” which mean “to boil” and “January” in Thamil. Thai Pongal marks the first day of a new year, and a new month of the Thamil calendar. On this day, farmers will thank nature, especially the Sun and the farm cattle for their allowing them to reap a bountiful harvest, and will harvest new crops including rice, cereals, sugar cane, and turmeric for the next season.