Posts Tagged ‘Art’

Arthika Srivarapathy, Artist

By Editor - August 11th, 2015

Arthika Srivarapathy, Artist

She is a graduate of York University, now heading into Osgood Law school. Since a young age, art has been a huge part of her life, starting piano at age 8. She then started creating portrait sketches at an early age of 9! She is constantly striving to use new mediums, attempt new styles, and create new expressions.

An Occurrence

By Editor - March 21st, 2015

An Occurrence

Written by: Mathusaan G.

Never thought about it
Till last week
When I saw you
And your dimpled cheek

You just thanked me
And we talked some
But when you did leave
My heart went numb

Art is powerful. It is heART.

By Editor - March 16th, 2010

Art is powerful. It is heART.

Art is powerful. It tells stories in way that other mediums cannot. It’s so expressive, touching and beautiful. This story is about a 17-year who uses art as a tool, art as a weapon to promote positive messages. I don’t know her, but she inspired me. I hope she inspires you as well. We have many talented artists within our Tamil-Canadian community, and just imagine the work that could arise if they dug deep into their hearts and let their emotions spill onto a canvas. There is an upcoming Art Exhibition, Witness, and I look forward to this exhibition for that very reason, because art is powerful. It can move people, it speaks what we cannot say in words.