Step Up: Sign Up for Co-ed Volleyball this Sunday!

StepupThe Athletic Council of CTYA is hosting its final Step Up event of this month on Sunday. This co-ed volleyball tournament is focused on encouraging both men and women to be more active in recreational activities and sports. Step Up will provide all participants with the opportunity to meet new people in a fun and competitive environment.

Step Up Volleyball will happen at the Major Abbas Ali Park from 3 to 6 pm on June 30th. The council is accepting registration for this event until Friday June 27, 2013. The registration fee of each team is $50.00 which needs to be paid on the day of the tournament. Please e-mail for a registration form.

The rules for creating a team are as follows:

· Minimum of 6 players

· Maximum of 8 players

· Age group: 14 to 30

· A minimum of 2 females/males

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